Cmana Farm

Cmana Farm LLC was established as a subsidiary of Cmana LLC. The original idea was that the company performs the tasks of monitoring the health status of livestock that is in fattening period and implementation of all the necessary preventive measures for the quality and the health status of livestock. These services can not be offered to other legal entities and they are exclusively provided on the farms where the animals are the property of Cmana LLC.

Quality control

Cmana Farm has contracts for the business and technical cooperation with all relevant institutions which are involved in the daily monitoring of the health status of livestock. In addition to consultations and institute analysis, Cmana Farm LLC take daily care to make sure that the quality of the livestock is at the highest possible level. The entire fattening process is monitored and analyzed in accredited laboratories.

Cmana Farm has signed contracts with more than 30 cooperatives with a total capacity of over 400,000 broilers and farm lease agreement, located in Svilajnac, which has a total capacity of 160,000 broilers. Cmana Farm LLC strives to provide security to its subcontractors in the business, continuous work throughout the year and the best possible conversion, which ultimately leads to positive financial effects for each subcontractor. Through a thorough analysis Cmana Farm LLC noted that is very important that all the conditions are fully controlled, for that reason it was decided that investment in new farms are required. In 2017, we started building a complex of 3 farms and 8 facilities for fattening cattle.

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